Supplementary Questionnaire for Tax-Transparent Entities
Resident Entitlement Questionnaire / Confirmation of Shareholder Percentage Distribution
In accordance with the application documents, it appears that the applicant is an Investment Fund/Investment Asset Pool (Special Assets / Special Purpose Fund). The investors of the Investment Fund have acquired certain units in the Investment Asset Pool which are certificated in the form of share certificates (Investment Certificates). Since the Investment Fund itself is a fiscally transparent entity thereby not a tax subject, the earnings generated at the fund level are not, in principle, subject to tax. Rather, the earnings are allocated to and tax at the level of the respective certificate holder.
Name and domicile of the Investment Company
Name and ISIN of the Investment Fund/Investment Asset Pool
Day of distribution (ex-date) of the Investment Fund: ………………………………………..………………
All details below pertain to the day of distribution (ex-date) of the Investment Fund.